C/C++试题 -Part 3 - shawpinlee

C/C++试题 -Part 3

shawpinlee posted @ 2007年9月17日 05:43 in C/C++ , 20066 阅读

1. What is the output of the following code?


  1. #include <iostream>
  2. #include <string>
  3. using namespace std;
  5. struct A{
  6.         short a1;
  7.         short a2;
  8.         short a3;
  9. };
  11. struct B{
  12.         long a1;
  13.         short a2;
  14. };
  16. int main(void)
  17. {
  18.         char *ss1 = "0123456789";
  19.         char ss2 [] = "0123456789";
  20.         char ss3[100] = "0123456789";
  22.         int ss4[100];
  23.         char q1[] = "abc";
  24.         char q2[] = "a\n";
  25.         char *q3="a\n";
  26.         char *str1=(char*)malloc(100);
  28.         void *str2 = (void*)malloc(100);
  30.         cout<<sizeof(ss1)<<endl;
  31.         cout<<sizeof(ss2)<<endl;
  32.         cout<<sizeof(ss3)<<endl;
  33.         cout<<sizeof(ss4)<<endl;
  34.         cout<<sizeof(q1)<<endl;
  35.         cout<<sizeof(q2)<<endl;
  36.         cout<<sizeof(q3)<<endl;
  37.         cout<<sizeof(struct A)<<endl;
  38.         cout<<sizeof(struct B)<<endl;
  39.         cout<<sizeof(str1)<<endl;
  40.         cout<<sizeof(str2)<<endl;
  41.         return 0;
  42. }







A和B是两个结构体。在默认情况下,为了方便对结构内元素的访问和管理,当结构题体内的长度小于处理器的为数的时 候,便以结构体里面最长的数据元素为对齐单位,也就是说,结构体的长度一定是最长的元素的整数倍。如果结构体内存在长度大于处理器位数的元素,那么就以处 理器的位数为对齐单位。但是结构体内类型相同的连续元素将在连续的空间内,和数组一样。


结构体A中有3个short类型变量,各自以2字节对齐,结构体对齐参数按默认的8字节对齐,则a1, a2, a3都取2字节对齐,sizeof(A)为6。B中a1为4字节对齐,a2为2字节对齐结构题默认对齐参数为8, 则a1取4字节对齐,a2取2字节对齐,结构体大小6字节,6不为4的整数倍,补空字节,增到8时,符合所有条件,则sizeof(B)为8。


CPU的优化规则大致原则是这样的:对于n字节的元素(n=2,4,8,...),它的首地址能被n整除,才能获 得最好的性能。设计编译器的时候可以遵循这个原则:对于每一个变量,可以从当前位置向后找到第一个满足这个条件的地址作为首地址。例子比较特殊,因为即便 采用这个原则,得到的结果也因该为6(long的首地址偏移量为0000,short首地址偏移量为0004,都符合要求)。但是结构体一般会面临数组分 配的问题。编译器为了优化这种情况,干脆把它的大小设为8,这样就没有麻烦了,否则的话,会出现单个结构体的大小为6,而大小为n的结构体数组大小却为 8*(n-1)+6的尴尬局面。IBM出这道题并不在于考察理解语言本身和编译器,而在于应聘者对计算机底层机制的理解和设计程序的原则。也就是说,如果 让你设计编译器,你将如何解决内存对齐的问题。


数据对齐,是指数据所在的内存地址必须是该数据长度的整数倍。DWORD数据的内存起始地址能被4除尽,WORD 数据内存起始地址能被2除尽。X86 CPU能直接访问对齐的数据,当它是试图访问一个未对齐的数据时,会在内部进行一系列的调整。这些调整对于程序来说是透明的,但是会降低运行速度,所以编 译器在编译程序时尽量保证数据对齐。

2. What is the output of the following code?


  1. #include <iostream>
  3. using namespace std;
  5. class A{
  6. };
  8. class A2{
  9.         char d,e;
  10. };
  12. struct B{
  13. };
  15. struct C{
  16.         char b,c;
  17. };
  19. struct D{
  20.         int x,y;
  21. };
  23. int main(void)
  24. {
  25.         cout<<sizeof(A)<<endl;
  26.         cout<<sizeof(A2)<<endl;
  27.         A *p1 = new A();
  28.         A p2;
  29.         A *p3;
  30.         cout<<sizeof(p1)<<endl;
  31.         cout<<sizeof(p2)<<endl;
  32.         cout<<sizeof(p3)<<endl;
  33.         cout<<sizeof(B)<<endl;
  34.         cout<<sizeof(C)<<endl;
  35.         cout<<sizeof(D)<<endl;
  37.         return 0;
  38. }





而类A2 大小是类中的两个字符d,e之和,所以它的空间大小依然是2。



3. 求解下面程序的结果


  1. #include <iostream>
  2. using namespace std;
  4. class A1
  5. {
  6.         public:
  7.                 int a;
  8.                 static int b;
  10.                 A1();
  11.                 ~A1();
  12. };
  14. class A2
  15. {
  16.         public:
  17.                 int a;
  18.                 char c;
  20.                 A2();
  21.                 ~A2();
  22. };
  24. class A3
  25. {
  26.         public:
  27.                 float a;
  28.                 char c;
  30.                 A3();
  31.                 ~A3();
  32. };
  34. class A4
  35. {
  36.         public:
  37.                 float a;
  38.                 int b;
  39.                 char c;
  41.                 A4();
  42.                 ~A4();
  43. };
  45. class A5
  46. {
  47.         public:
  48.                 double d;
  49.                 float a;
  50.                 int b;
  51.                 char c;
  53.                 A5();
  54.                 ~A5();
  55. };
  57. int main()
  58. {
  59.         cout<<sizeof(A1)<<endl;
  60.         cout<<sizeof(A2)<<endl;
  61.         cout<<sizeof(A3)<<endl;
  62.         cout<<sizeof(A4)<<endl;
  63.         cout<<sizeof(A5)<<endl;
  64.         return 0;
  65. }


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The Secret to Motivating Your Child


Who doesn't want a motivated child? A little one who is willing to work hard and spend time learning how to read, write, do the math, or how to play the piano. It's easy for parents to get frustrated when their children don't try as hard as they think they should. This blog post will give you some strategies on how you can motivate your child in four different areas: academics, hobbies, chores, and physical activity.


#What Type Of Motivation Does Your Child Have

As a parent, how do you know what type of motivation your child has? Well, it’s pretty easy to tell. If they are motivated by rewards (money or materialistic things), then that is extrinsic motivation. 


Intrinsic vs Extrinsic Motivation

In order to figure out which one your child is, you can think about how much effort they put in when there is no incentive.


NOTE: While the original sentence does not contain a compound sentence, this answer does.


Intrinsic motivation

Intrinsic motivation occurs when individuals perform anything as a result of their enthusiasm for it. If they are generally motivated by their own independent goals, then that is intrinsic motivation.


If they are motivated by the idea of thirsting for a challenge, then that is intrinsic motivation.


Intrinsic motivation is driven by personal interest or enjoyment in the task itself. Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, comes from external factors such as rewards or punishments.


Extrinsic Motivation: Rewards & Punishments


Extrinsic motivation can be further broken down into two types:


- What Type Of Motivation Does Your Child Have


- Tangible vs Intangible Rewards


Tangible rewards are physical things such as money or grades. Intangible rewards offer no physical reward but might include praise from others, improved self-esteem, and so on. These typically serve to reinforce the idea that completing a task will result in the positive feedback of some kind. Such reinforcement encourages people to continue working towards their goal even after they have received the initial reward for it. As you may imagine, tangible versus intangible is quite an important distinction when it comes to motivating children (and adults).   


If your child's main motivation comes from how much money you're going to give them or how long they have to stay in their room after school because of something negative they did, then this means that your child might be extrinsically motivated. Instead of trying to motivate them through punishment or rewards, try changing how you talk about these things with them so it doesn't feel like rewards and punishments all the time. It should come as more encouragement than anything else. For example, instead of saying "No TV for two days if you don’t listen" say “.


#What Motivates Your Child And What Does Not

Many parents use the carrot and stick technique. This includes rules, consequences, bonuses, or behavior charts. They do this to encourage their children.


Many people find success at the beginning, but it stops after a while. Some people also make mistakes.  What are the mistakes they make? What motivates your children? What does not motivate them?


Many parents use the carrot and stick technique. This includes rules, consequences, bonuses, or behavior charts. They do this to encourage their children.


Many people find success at the beginning, but it stops after a while. Some people also make mistakes. What are the mistakes they make? What motivates your children? What does not motivate them?


Parents have different ideas about what is motivating for each child in their family because everyone is unique and so are our kids! The one thing that seems to work with every single child I've ever met is praise!


#Science-Backed Steps on How to Motivate a Child to Study

Your efforts to encourage your youngster are most likely have the opposite effect — demotivating him. This is because most parents and teachers do not know how to motivate a child, so they resort to punishments or rewards. 




Instead, try these five science-backed steps:


Respect your child's individuality. Each person is unique and has different motivations. What works for one child might not work for another.


Listen to them. Really listen to what they are saying and find out their interests. Once you know their interests, you can start finding ways to help them connect with the material they need to learn in a way that is interesting and fun for them!


Provide positive reinforcement. Offer encouragement and praise when your youngster demonstrates mastery of new skills or knowledge. This will help him feel good about himself and motivate him to continue learning.



Controlling someone’s actions with praise, reward, nagging, scolding, and punishment is a common practice. Being a controlling parent cannot make children like something. You are offering them an incentive that is not related to the activity, which means they can’t enjoy it. 


When it comes to motivating your child, try using some science-backed steps that will help him learn in a way that is interesting and fun for him! Provide positive reinforcement. Offer encouragement and praise when your youngster demonstrates mastery of new skills or knowledge.


When children feel like they are being controlled, they often rebel and do the opposite of what is asked of them. Let them make their own choices whenever possible, within reason, so they can learn from their own mistakes.


Use the phone tracker to monitor your child

Of course, you should talk to your child beforehand about your monitoring and what it is for. So that your child understands that you are always there for him, even when you are not physically with him, you can still help him at any time.  Use the phone tracker to monitor your child's location and movements. This will help you ensure that he is safe and on track, but it can also provide insight into his day-to-day activities. If you see that he is not studying as much as you would like him to, you can talk to him about it and offer some encouragement.


There are many science-backed steps on how to motivate a child to study. By using positive reinforcement, setting achievable goals, and providing support, parents can help their children achieve success in all areas of life.


When it comes time for finals week or an important test, your child will need all the motivation he can get. Use tips to help him stay focused and driven.


How does the phone tracker work?


The phone tracker would be a good thing to have. You can see where your child is by looking at a map and you can see how long they have been there. This way of making sure that your child is safe. If you are not always there, then it can happen.


Many children like to take shortcuts or go off the path, which can be dangerous. Use the phone tracker app to help keep your child safe at all times.


When you are trying to motivate your child for a specific task or goal, it is important that he feels like he has some control over his surroundings and actions. This will allow him to feel more confident about himself and what he wants to accomplish in life. It also gives parents an idea of how much support their children need during goals they set out for themselves. However, sometimes kids just want something simple so they know where you stand on certain issues without getting too involved with details of why things may not happen exactly as planned every time. Use the phone tracker when needed!


You can also use the phone tracker Hoverwatch to monitor your child’s activities.


For example, you can see how much time he spends on his phone or how often he uses certain apps. This information can help you to understand how your child is using his phone and whether or not he is staying safe online. 


You can also use the phone tracker to find out if your child is lying to you about where he is or what he is doing.


If you are concerned about your child’s safety, using a phone tracker can help you to keep him safe and ensure that he stays on track. Use the phone tracker when needed! You can also use the phone tracker Hoverwatch to monitor your child’s activities. For example, you can see how much time he spends on his phone or how often he uses certain apps. This information can help you to understand how your child is using his phone and whether or not he is staying safe online.

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2024年8月28日 22:22

Best Chocolate Transfer Pump For Sale

This is the best chocolate transfer pump in the market It will be able to help you with efficient and precise processing of chocolate This pump has been designed using high quality materials that meet all the required standards, which makes it reliable too Therefore, if you are a confectionery manufacturer or any other food processing company which deals with large volumes of chocolates, then this tool is indispensable for streamlining your production process Material Options 304 or 316 Stainless Steel The Chocolate Transfer Pump comes in two options either made from 304 stainless steel or 316 stainless steel These are both high grade materials known for their resistance against corrosion and wear, hence durability is guaranteed The choice between these two types mainly depends on what kind of environment one operates in as well as personal preference because they have different strengths too For example affordability coupled with strength makes 304 stainless steel suitable when dealing with general needs while 316 variant offers better protection against chemicals especially saline ones thus making it more hygienic where necessary Optional Heating Jacket With our pumps, we do provide an optional heating jacket, which can be used to keep the chocolate at its best temperature during transfers This feature ensures that fluidity and consistency are maintained throughout all stages of transferring so no unwanted cooling off or solidification takes place then again spoiling everything The heating jacket keeps your chocolates warm enough, thereby preserving their quality from start till finish Technical Specifications Flow Rate You can adjust flow rate from ten liters per minute up to one hundred liters per minute, depending on what your operations require Pump Type positive displacement pump, specifically meant for handling heavy liquids like chocolate conveniently without much ado about it breaking down Motor Power Our motors range between half horsepower 0 5HP and five horse powers 5HP depending on flow rates needed together with pressures expected Maximum Temperature Ninety degrees Celsius 90°C which is equivalent to one hundred and ninety four degrees Fahrenheit 194°F This means that it can handle almost any type of chocolate you may think of using, no matter how hot or cold they are Connection Options You can connect this pump with ISICLAMP, DIN or SMS so that it fits well into the existing production line without much hustle Viscosity Handling It works efficiently even when dealing with chocolates having viscosities as high as one hundred thousand centipedes 100,000 CP Applications hence making it ideal for anyone who wants better results out of his her chocolate manufacturing business Place an order right away because when people try them out once, they never want anything else again due to their effectiveness compared against others available in the market today Don’t let this chance pass you by, as it could transform everything about how you handle chocolates forever Reach us today and find out more details regarding these amazing devices while also making an order too!      Chocolate transfer pump

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2025年1月30日 02:17

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